Staples Center, here in my home town, is a lot like Twitter.  You’re curious about how it works and once you’re in, you become addicted.  Your own network of friends in the social network multiplies.  And as you spend more time there, you’re constantly amazed how closely connected we all are.  You see a celebrity who knows a person who knows a person you might know.  We’re all on a first-name basis here; it’s a casual cool atmosphere where everybody knows your name.  Like any exclusive club of 20,000 of your closest friends, it may seem daunting at first.  But once you learn how things work, you start having fun treating the celebrity sightings like you were browsing through your own friends’ Twitter accounts.  It’s an endless cycle, evidenced when I walk a lap around courtside seats where I’m parked with a client sometimes.  Like Twitter, I never know what I’ll find when I look up close, and it can be quite entertaining and funny.  That’s just the way Staples functions.  Most celebs get their tickets from studios, agencies or production companies.  LA is such a town of dreams, and we’re all friends.  Welcome to the Network.