Most of us are aware that we don’t know everything, so we often seek out mentors.  Social media offers a new way to get a leg up on that; we can digitally stalk our mentors, preparing ideas for great conversation and open up ways of connecting when we get in touch.  

In addition to coming to mentors prepared, we must remember that to get, we must give.  When a new companion wants me to help her, she had better also find ways she can help me in return for all the advice I’m going to give.  Doing so will go a long way to getting my attention.  Our goals should be helped one another succeed, in a natural and non-forced friendly way.  Remember, when your mentor is talking to you, she isn’t checking emails, taking calls, seeing clients, or getting any other shit done.  Don’t ask for too much of her time, ask a specific question, and be polite.

It’s easy to feel defensive when a mentor gives you blunt feedback, but don’t.  Swallow your words and absorb what she is telling you; the best mentors give it to you straight so that you can learn.  And in return, pay it forward…help others coming up after you.

Sometimes mentorship relationships run their course, like any other humanly fluid connection.  If that’s happening, ease up on the contact but keep in touch.  Mentors come and go, but the help we give lasts forever.