Noise.  Noise.  I blink.  Many voices.  Bees buzzing?  Laughter.  Why?  Music, loud.  Chair, good.  Soft.  Squeaks when I move.  Soft.  She pats my paw.  She smiles at me but I can feel she is sad.  The room is big.  Very big.  Bigger than other place.  People walk.  Who?  They nod their heads.  They smile.  I like seeing them.  Some talk slow.  To me.  Not stupid.  Hard to think thoughts.  She told me why.  I know.  Hurts to think.  Just before?

People dressed here like on TV.  They must be happy.  Don’t ask questions.  No answers.  Good food.  I eat sweet round things.  What name?  I turn to her.  I say they are good.  My words sound odd.  She smiles at me.  “That’s right, that’s good,” she says.  Wrong, not what I said.  I want scream.  She pats my paw.  Feel better.  I eat another round thing.

A woman dressed in white.  I know her.  She pats my paw.  “How are you doing, cutie?” she says.  “Cutie” is a good word.  She smiles.  She says something about me.  Am I all right, away from home?  Home.  It feels good to think of home.  There was a bed.  In the sun.  I sat.  Blue sky.  Watch clouds.  See birds.  The woman smiles at me.  A man comes.  The woman smiles at him.  They’re happy.  She walks away.  She smells like roses.  The music stops.  People stop.  She pats my paw.

I look at the man.  He stares back and smiles.  I feel better.  He says many words.  Too fast.  I look at things.  The man comes close and puts a needle in me.  It hurts but then I feel sleepy and good.  I look up at her.  I can’t see as well anymore.  Her touch feels soft.  I lick her hand as she holds me.  She tastes good.  So good.