There are a few reasons my attitude toward stress does me harm.  The first is behavioral…if I think I’m stressed, I’m more likely to reach for a cocktail, cookies or other ways to help myself cope that don’t fit into my otherwise-healthy lifestyle.  On the other hand, when I’ve been able to view stress as a positive, it can be a motivator that leads to increased productivity and my improved physical and mental health.

The degree to which stress is beneficial or harmful largely depends upon the mindset through which it’s viewed.  I choose to view stress as a boost of energy when I need to take initiative to finish a project under a deadline, a sort of challenge that can help me grow and gain experience.  It helps me develop mental toughness and heightened awareness, and helps me have a greater appreciation for my life.  Changing my attitude helps me thrive and spills over into more traumatic events, when I realize I can handle emotional difficulty.

But I’m definitely an optimist by nature.  I don’t have high levels of cortisol, and I run high in DHEA.  I practice happy thoughts and I smile at strangers.  I meditate on compassion and kindness, and when I worry I take deep breaths and prefer problem-solving to panic.  In the end I feel the better for it.  Happy thoughts, happy life.