Comfort food.  Soul food.  I’m used to hearing these descriptors for macaroni and cheese, but I heard a man today talk this way about ramen, as he took me to a restaurant that made me appreciate the staple food exponentially more than I had.

There’s great healing power to be found in food.  It comforts and nourishes us, as does daily consistency to the mind, loving relationships to the heart and community to the soul.  For me, the process of going to a restaurant and sharing a meal with a man is an important part of us nourishing one another, leading to a healthier relationship.  It’s both exciting and soothing to dress up, enjoy conversation, and taste delicious creations!  I’m continually uplifted and inspired by the variety of connection and shared friendship, commitment to discovery and gratitude that I’ve been able to find over meals shared with clients.  May we all continue to cultivate and cherish the soul food that feeds us, every time we meet.