My beauty rituals are as good for my soul as they are for my looks.  Sometimes they’re an elaborate, all-day affair; other times they’re quick and to the point.  That fast and furious routine is a modern-day necessity, but the comfort and happiness that come from taking the extra time for myself is often the most rewarding.  My main bathroom has great lighting, plus the mirror above the sinks is at exactly the right height.  There’s plenty of storage, a big cozy tub, and a roomy shower with excellent water pressure.  I do some of my deepest thinking and strategizing there, and it’s always while I’m engaged in a leisurely beauty ritual.  When I’m relaxed, I come up with my best ideas (studies show this is true for most people).

Taking the time for beauty has such important benefits that go beyond skin (and hair) deep.  Even when life gets ugly, I find that holing up in the bathroom and being all about beauty fixes it all.