The world we live in today is completely different than the one we lived in a decade or two ago…or perhaps it’s our viewpoints that have changed.  I’m not a fan of changing myself according to the world and adapting to it; the central core of what’s “me” contains beliefs I’ve built up over the years and provides me my perspective and the grayscale of my personality.  Sticking to my core doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not open to the world; it means I open the world to myself and everything I experience adds another layer of sophistication, heightening my awareness and sense of being.  I needn’t give away or suppress myself; what I experience every day enhances me.

Most changes don’t happen when we rationalize or plan; most of us don’t capture or even see the moments that changed us when they occurred.  How I interact with clients is one way I try to help them experience treasured moments; I feel badly for sometimes being seen as demanding, but that’s how I ensure we create spectacular experiences.

So many clients fear feeling emotional about their companion(s).  They associate that with pain and vulnerability…but I disagree.  Emotions are wonderful if we know how to recognize and respond to them.  They help us savor life, ascribe mining to things and people, and generally add spice to our existence.